CABRI HyperCatalogue

CABRI HyperCatalogue is maintained by Paolo Romano.
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Yeasts     Rhodotorula, F.C.

NameStrain NumberOrganism
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 9306 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 9087 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 9086 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 9073 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 9072 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8940 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8792 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8790 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8634 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8506 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8268 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8132 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8148 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8149 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8150 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8077 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8009 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 8008 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 7649 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 7221 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 7094 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 7050 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6807 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6655 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6577 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6580 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6571 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6549 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6550 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6372 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6307 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6244 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 6146 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5977 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5978 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5979 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5976 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5825 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5778 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5653 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5652 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5531 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5532 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 5143 Yeasts
Rhodotorula, F.C. HarrisonCBS 4858 Yeasts

Last revised:
February 2023

© The CABRI Consortium 1999 - 2023
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium.